Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day three the Buffing and Bottom Paint of the Lady

Yesterday was the third day at the boat yard for the East Coast lady.
Jim and I both showed up about the same time to check on the progress
of the Lady. We were like two kids in a candy shop. We both had big
smiles on our faces. We are impressed with the work they are doing. It
looks very shiny on the above waterline buffing and the blue on the
bottom makes her look like she is new. I can’t believe that my dream
is coming to life right before my eyes. To the many America cup races
I have watched and the hours and hours of watching others follow their
via the u-tube channel, its finely coming to pass. But… In the back of
my mind, I keep thinking that the bottom is going to fall out at any
given moment. You know what I mean? Like I will get in a car wreck and
lose my legs or lose everything like my house my job. I don’t know!  I
have had some things like that happen in my life as I’m sure you have.
We have all had some tragedy that knocks us off our feet, and takes
months to get back up. These bad things always seem to happing when
things are going great.  I hope it’s all in my head. I hope this is in
God’s plan for Debbie and me. I can just feel the love of our life
coming to a pinnacle in the next 30 years seeing ports, meeting other
sailing couples, watching sunsets and catching the breeze.  I could
not find a better person to spend life with. I look forward to
spending time with Jim and Marsha Debbie and the Lady ushering a new
time in our life.  I can’t wait to take my grandson’s on their first
grand sailing adventure with Nana and Papa. Talking bought memories!!!
I hope to instill into them the same since of adventure that has
driven me all these years. My Mother use to read to me as a little boy,
the stories that we all heard as children like Moby-Dick, Huck-Finn
and the like.  The difference was, I truly believed that, I could make dreams
come true. She taught me that, And you know what, I just might pull it off.

See ya in the Breeze.

New Photos

Very Sleek and Fast Boat.
Two beutiful Ladys.

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