Monday, August 27, 2012

A trip to the Ocean Aug 26 2012

It’s been a few weeks since our last sailing trip.  Today’s trip was about 30 miles round trip.  We sailed from 1:30 pm to 5:30. We had very good conditions. The wind was out of the north east at 10 to 14. We were riding the tide out and making great time. We hoisted the main sail nearly as soon at the mast cleared the Mcteer Bridge. I silenced the iron jib “the engine” and we began making free propulsion.

We had only traveled a mile or so when we had the best encounter with dolphins we’ve ever had.  There were I know 14 or 15 dolphin. They were awesome. At one point they headed toward our boat on a portside, what looked to be a full out beam attack and just before they crashed into the hull they dove under. It was so cool. I just love watching Deb my wife’s face. She was so cute it was like watching an 11 year old girl. Look!! Look!!! She exclaimed… they’re right here; look here right at the boat. Oh my god!! So awesome she said. Hurry get the camera.
Marcia was getting excited as well.  They wanted me to turn around for some more time with the dolphins but I was making too much speed and there were another 4 to 5 boats in the vicinity making it a tough challenge to do a figure eight, so I opted to continue  heading south to the  
As we approached the mouth of the Battery creek were it joined the Beaufort river we hanked up the 115% jib and turned to the east to run the 5 mile stretch of what the chart calls “The Port Royal reach”.

 Our next turn was due-south toward Hilton Head Island. Here the Beaufort River opens up to 2 miles across in some spots. This turn south, brought the wind off out port quarter. As Forrest Gump would say we were running. “Running with the wind and the Tide” It makes it a lazy day of sailing. In fact looking back I don’t think we tacked at all. When we got to the Cowen Spit.,

I gave the helm to Jim and started working with the GOPRO Hero. I also put on some tunes. Bob Marley, James Taylor and some old stuff from the 80’s. We had snack food, grapes, cheese, apple slices, chips and the like. What a beautiful.  This day was very sunny and breezy. We had great friends and   could not have asked for a better day.
I was forward relaxing when Jim called me from the helm. Hey Curtis he said…  I turned and looked his way. He said this is the farthest we have been out in the boat!!! This next buoy coming up was the bell buoy making the shipping channel headed off shore. We’ve not been of shore in this boat yet. I wanted so bad to go!!! I wanted 7 nautical miles more. I will go soon. You could sure tell when we reached the ocean.

The choppy water turned into a rolling wave action and 3 to 4 foot. The east coast Lady takes these waves surprisingly well.  We made the turn and headed back to the north. It was time to head back. It was around 4:00 pm now. I took the helm back and we streaked back to the marina making great speed. The wind was off our starboard side on a close hulled or a close reach the rest of the way home.

When we got back, the caution in me was not ready to birth the boat, however my friend and co-owner said it will be just right to put the boat in the slip. I did not think the tide had quit running in yet. Our slip will not allow for dockage if we have any incoming tide at all. We got close I did a trial alongside the face dock to see if I could stop the boat.  The crew was on hold, waiting on me to give the command to which side to tie the boat finders and spring line to. After I seen that Jim was right, I said we going to put her in her birth. Finders to starboard I exclaimed. Prepare the stern and bow line to starboard, I shouted. I grabbed the hand-held VHF radio and called the marina for dockside assistance. They could help, but put me in a holding pattern which worked in our favor. We needed a few minutes to secure the boat and ready it for docking.  I brought the 10,000 pound vessel with 6 crew back into the dock without pain or foul.

We cleaned the cockpit flakes the sails and locked down the thru-hull valves, locked the hatches and called it a day.  We went to the back porch Grill and had dinner together and talked about what a great day it was. Any day sailing is a better that a day on land.
Till next time: See ya on the Breeze.
Here is a shout video:

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