Saturday, January 12, 2013

Family day with the East Coast Lady.

To Day was a very special day,
Today was the first day my daughter and her family finely came for a sail on the Lady. It was a great day for a January, warm and sunny "76 degrees . We were faced with a windless day, but you wouldn't here any of us complain. It was just delightful...
Steven and I moved the boat that morning on the tail-end of the incoming tide. We were there right on time but left just a little early from the dock. I had a problem with the tide turning me broadside to the flood tide. I had a great guy on the dock come on board and teach me how to back out without the prop-wash making all my choices for me. Steven was a nervous wreck. He did great for a first timer to the dock. It did, however take a few hours to get his adrenalin levels back down. 

The memories we weave in the minds of our children and grand children is so very important. Days like today on the water, spending time away from video games, and other useless time wasting ventures is essential  to nurture a since of family. Something we all could use a little more of. I will for ever cherish my children and grand children... To see their smiles and help them grow a responsibility to each other and at they same time teach and show how wonderful nature is.

Little feet. 
The pitter-pater of little feet... I here them now and I here them then. on the cabin house of the boat. The joy of the feet on the East Coast Lady is so nice. I went below to us the head, As I stood there doing my thing, I heard pitter-patter right to the forward hatch. then I heard Hay Papa. He thought is was cool seeing me through the forward hatch. He found me. Now!!! I leaned way forward missing the bowl a little trying to cover my self up. Mean while, in my embarrassment I finished early, And flushed the head. I heard a  little Alex giggl. When I looked up he took off,  and a pitter patter back to the cockpit.I just smiled. 
Another great joy of mine is watching Deb. She gets so excited when we have a dolphin sighting.  But today was different than most that we have. Today they came right to the boat and said hello, Deb had all of us excited. They were every where. They dove right under the boat. it was a great day,

I really had a great day. even with no wind. Its nice to spend time with my Son-in law Steven. Steven said he he learned a great deal today and has a new found respect for the sailor and all that he has to know to be able to maneuver a 4 ton vessel in a 4 knot flood tide. Great job Steve you were great help today. Cant wait till next time.

Till next time happy sailing out there. We'll see ya in the next port.


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